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6 simple tips for using decorative elements in your home

We’ve all seen Pinterest-style homes where every detail is thoughtfully arranged, creating a harmonious and beautiful whole. If you’re one of those, who admire stunning interiors through pictures and wonder how to achieve a similar effect in your home with minimal effort, this post is exactly for you!We have put together six simple tips for using decorative elements in your home to make it stylish, functional and pleasantly atmospheric:Create Balance: When arranging decorations in your home, try to create a...


Lihtsuses peitub võlu, sisekujunduse nipid 2024 aastal

Sisekujundusmaailm on alati dünaamiline ja muutuv, tuues igal aastal kaasa uusi trende. 2024. aasta pole selle poolest mingi  erand ning uued tuuled toovad endaga kaasa nii  minimalismi kui ka luksust. Siit leid 5 sisekujudsuterndi aastaks 2024. 

Looduslikud materjalid ja luksuslikud esemed 

Looduslike ja maalähedaste toonide ning materjalide kasutamine  nagu puit, kivi ja bambus, on lähiaastatel aina rohkem hoogu sisse saanud. Inimestele meeldib omavahel kombineerida nii maalähedust kui ka luksust ja enam rohkem näeb sisekujunduses, kuidas jõuline  kivist serveerimisalus kombineeritakse söögilauale kristalsete pokaalidega.  

Roheline sisekujundus



Transform Your Ordinary Sauna into a Luxurious Home Spa in Minutes

A sauna is heaven for both body and mind, where the hustle and bustle of daily life fades into the distance. It’s a place where a relaxing atmosphere helps relieve tension and restore energy. Turning your home sauna into a luxurious spa has never been easier. Here are some tips to make your home sauna experience truly exceptional!

Aromatherapy – Scents That Engage the Senses

Aromatherapy is a fantastic way to enhance your sauna experience. Essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or peppermint...